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staged-recipes is the gateway to conda-forge. Every package published has gone through this repository as part of the submission process.

Submission to staged-recipes

Users normally follow these steps:

  1. Fork the conda-forge/staged-recipes repository and create a new branch from main.
  2. Add a meta.yaml or recipe.yaml file (plus other files as needed) in a new subdirectory under recipes/.
  3. Open a new pull request and pass the CI checks, which include building the recipe under different operating systems and some static analysis of the recipe files (linting).
  4. Ask for a review and apply the suggestions.

When the PR is approved and merged to main, the new directory under recipes/ will trigger the staged-recipes pipelines, which will create a new feedstock with the recipe contents.

Feedstock creation

Once a new recipe has been merged into staged-recipes, it will be converted to a feedstock. This creates the home of the recipe as a new repository under the conda-forge organization. It also creates the associated team and registers the recipe with the CI providers that are used for building packages, as well as with the distribution infrastructure to allow for uploads.

Once the feedstock creation is completed successfully, all future events are handled through the feedstock; the staged-recipes repository no longer plays a role.